IBM CEO Sam Palmisano's speech to Council on Foregin Relations
Volt watch: GM gives details on plug-in battery 08/15/08
San Francisco Issues RFI for Infrastructure Projects to make city plug-in ready 08/02/08

Ford: Mass plug-ins at least 5 years away 07/30/08
Gore: Make all US electricity from renewables 07/17/08
PGE predicts surge in hybrid vehicles, plans more plug ins 07/05/08
AP Interview: Ex-Intel chairman pushes electric transportation to move away from imported oil 06/30/08
Home values are down but utility bills are going way up - ABC News Video 06/24/08
Drilling deep into energy efficiency 06/24/08
Energy is going up in smoke 06/23/08
McCain offers $300 million for new auto battery 06/23/08
PSE&G Proposes Expanded Program to Help Customers Conserve Energy and Cut Carbon Emissions 06/23/08
Price jolt: Electricity bills going up, up, up 06/20/08
TXU Energy Launches Nation's First ZigBee-Enabled Demand Response Program Over Broadband Internet Using Comverge Smart Thermostat 06/19/08
RockPort’s $453mm 3rd fund, and cleantech is not biotech 06/05/08
Oversupply of Silicon to Be Worse Than Expected 06/04/08
Smart Home Exhibit at Museum of Science and Industry Showcases ComEd Environmental Programs 05/09/08
Goldman's Murti Says Oil `Likely' to Reach $150-$200 05/06/08
Smarter electric grid could be key to saving power 05/04/08
Kleiner Perkins raises big money to fuel clean tech 05/02/08
Al Gore's green fund closes at $683M 05/02/08
Nissan expects to roll out the first in a new line of all-electric cars by 2010 05/02/08
Utilities, Plug-In Cars: Near Collision? 05/02/08
my two take-aways: (1) the electrification of auto transportation is preceived as inevitable (2) smart meters are required.
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. and Environmental Defense Fund Announce First-of-Its-Kind “Green Portfolio” Partnership 05/01/08
The intersection between green and profitiablity is high IRR efficiency projects...this is obviously not lost on KKR.
Bob Metcalfe’s First PowerPoint Ever: The Ethernet Inventor Unveils the “Enernet” 04/15/08
I wish he would call it the Electranet...cause it is the same thing.
Fears that Russian oil output has hit its peak 04/15/08
Not sure if it has truly peak, or it is a lack of investment, but material either way.
ZigBee Slashes Industrial Facility’s Energy Bill By 37% 04/13/08
Fantastic example of the Electranet at work...
BHP Billiton to benefit from sharp jump in coking coal prices 04/11/08
Coking coal is an input into steel. The dramatic rise in steel prices increases the cost of new power plants and the "supplied kw."
Webcast Alert: Johnson Controls Energy Efficiency Indicator Webcast 04/11/08
10,000 Intelligent streetlights save 1440 tCO2 and reduce energy consumption by 70% 04/08/08
Fantastic example of the potential of the Electranet.
GM wants to give Toyota a jolt with its electric Volt 04/05/08
GM announced this week that it plug-in hybrid Volt is now its "number one priority." I think that all enabling technologies (batteries, ultracaps, power managment systems, smart meters, etc.) will benefit.
Smart tech for energy pulls in funding 04/03/08
Merchant Power Continues to Tighten 03/31/08
Emerson three-month orders rise 10 percent 03/29/08
Outperforming broader market in industrial automation, process management and network power; appliance and tools still looks weak.
Southern California Edison Launches Nation's Largest Solar Panel Installation; Will Convert 65 Million Square Feet of Unused Roofs into Solar Generating Stations 03/27/08
ProLogis teams up on California solar-energy project 03/27/08
Toyota To Boost Japan Output Of Prius Hybrid 60% By Next Year 03/27/08
EPRI Joins Ford-SCE Analysis of Plug-In Hybrids on Grid 03/27/08
Google Calls 700-MHz Auction A Major Victory For Consumers 03/21/08
The 700 MHz auction and subsequent roll-out is a major step forward for Electranet technologies for two primary reasons: (1) It is the ideal, last mile, high-bandwidth wireless connection as it can penetrate structures and (2) Google has forced open access, where any device can operate on the network for a fee. These two things combined make the 700 MHz spectrum ideal for next-gen, low-cost sophisticated energy management systems.
Special Report: The Green Car, Part Two 03/20/08
Pretty extensive report in Forbes on the next-gen car.
Big-Rig Hybrids 03/20/08
Every leading truck manufacturer plans to ramp up hybrid production as soon as possible.
GM Lutz: Most vehicles will be hybrid by 2020 03/20/08
Giving Back: Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles may have an unexpected value 03/19/08
Xcel Energy announces first Smart Grid City in the nation 03/17/08
New 'super-spike' might mean $200 a barrel oil 03/11/08
They were a bit early with their call for a $105 super spike, but it did happen eventually.
The Water Intensity of the Plugged-In Automotive Economy 03/11/08
Outstanding reserach, espeically on gasoline consumption displacement by PHEV.
TVA looks to stretch its kilowatts 3/04/08
"Any kilowatt TVA does not have to generate is the cheapest and greenest way to meet demand," TVA director Dennis Bottorff said... The nation's largest public utility is preparing to get back into energy conservation and efficiency in a big way.
Geneva auto show pushes window on technology with hybrids juiced with lithium-ion batteries 3/03/08
Commercialization of Lithium-Ion hybrid batteries is a major step towards plug-in hybrids.
Probe: Engineer's actions triggered Florida blackout 2/29/08
The definition of a brittle grid: when 1 person can blackout 3MM people through a simple maintenance error.
Xcel Energy to store wind power with new battery 2/29/08
This technology would have prevented the TX grid emergency 2 links down.
Calpers to Boost Commodity Investments Through 2010 2/29/08
The adoption rate of Electranet technologies is correlated to underlying energy prices. In that light, the recent money flows into commodities as demonstrated in this Bloomberg article on Calpers as very bullish for the Electranet space as higher energy prices increase the IRR and of Electranet investment by energy end users.
ERCOT Demand Response Program Helps Restore Frequency Following Tuesday Evening Grid Event 2/28/08
Loss of wind causes Texas power grid emergency 2/28/08
Wind without storage is starting to cause major grid instability...
Clean tech movement goes global 2/27/08
The case for investing in energy productivity McKinsey Global Insitute 2/24/08
MGI research suggests that the economics of investing in energy productivity—the level of output we achieve from the energy we consume—are very attractive. With an average internal rate of return of 17 percent, such investments would generate energy savings ramping up to $900 billion annually by 2020. Energy productivity is also the most cost-effective way to reduce global emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG).
Natural Gas: The Alternative Clean Energy Investment 2/24/08
CHP anyone?
Commodities enjoy stellar week 2/22/08
Investor inflows into commodity markets appear to be gathering pace. Standard & Poor’s expects assets benchmarked to the S&P GSCI commodity index to increase by more than 20 per cent this year from an estimated $80bn to $85bn at the end of 2007.
Grid neglect will undermine other efforts 2/22/08
Good to see Vinod backing efforts for the Electranet
Smart grid needed for green power 2/22/08
Itron Q4 earnings beat estimates; shares rise 2/20/08
Valence Supplier of Battery Packs for Toyota Prius Plug-In Hybrid Add-On 2/19/08
Investors Pledge $10B to Clean Technology 2/15/08
U.S. Moving Toward Ban on New Coal-Fired Power Plants 2/15/08
Efficiency now ahead of US carbon rules:utilities 2/15/08
AEP CEO sees crisis without more coal plants 2/15/08
Energy is Pricey—But So Is Building More Power Plants 2/15/08
Snags seen for nuclear power 2/15/08
To reduce electricity demand, the industry is being urged to focus on helping customers help themselves
China Spurs Coal-Price Surge
Global demand lifts grain prices, gobbles supplies
N.C. seeks research hub for plug-in cars
PG&E Signs Pact to Purchase Plug-in Hybrid SUVs From Raser
Studies Deem Biofuels a Greenhouse Threat
‘Green’ Buildings Don’t Have to Be New
More Bad News for Ethanol
Israel relies on electric cars to cut oil imports
more than half the states are moving aggressively to combat the pollution that causes global warming.
50 proposed coal-fired power plants in 20 states canceled or delayed in 2007 because of concerns about climate change
Soaring soyabean price stirs anger among poor
Street protests in Indonesia over soyabeans
Toyota’s answer to the green car
A Hybrid Technology That Can Pay for Itself
Toyota Will Offer a Plug-In Hybrid by 2010
Battery demand galvanises price of cobalt
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